Search: "#huffPost"

In Which a Non-Sports Fan Watches the World Series and Likes It Thu Nov 03 2016
I’m not a sports person, though I am a sports mom. I spend multiple days a week watching my kids play hockey or baseball, depending on the season. But I don’t actually like sports. view at huffingtonpost
#HuffPost #sports #parenting
I Clean the Fridge and Ruminate About Marriage Fri Aug 26 2016
I cleaned out the refrigerator today. I mean like I took everything out and washed the shelves kind of clean. If you know anything about me, you would know this is not a common occurrence. view at huffingtonpost
#HuffPost #divorce
Feminist Mama Manifesto Thu Oct 02 2014
I wanted to be a prostitute for Halloween. My mother wouldn’t let me. I wanted to be a cheerleader. My mother wouldn’t let me. My mother only allowed gender neutral toys to cross my path until I wrapped up a bag of kitty litter in my blanket and rocked to it and sang it lullabies. Then she gave in. view at huffingtonpost
#huffPost #feminism
On Feminism: But I Like Being a Girl Tue Dec 23 2014
I sent my half-sister a link to my Feminist Mama Manifesto, which I posted a few weeks ago and her response was, “I’m proud of you, but I like being a girl.” view at huffingtonpost
#HuffPost #feminism
Its' Not the End of the World (Yet) Fri Jan 20 2017
It feels like the end of the world. I want to lie on the floor for the next four years. (The couch takes too much effort and offers too much comfort.) Many of my friends are fired up and mobilizing, but I’m not there yet. I’m still lying on the floor. view at huffingtonpost
#HuffPost #NotMyPresident #EndofTheWorld
Teaching Children About the A in GLBTA Thu Jan 26 2017
Single is not a failed relationship status. view at huffingtonpost
#HuffPost #QueerFamilies #Asexuality
We the People Wed Feb 01 2017
We need to find those few places where our views overlap and strengthen those bonds, because we can't move forward without the other side. If we could, we would have won the election. view at huffingtonpost
#Huffpost #Politics #CoomonGround
When Hate Crimes Hit Close to Home Tue Mar 07 2017
I clicked through a photo gallery of vandalism at the Waad Hakolel Cemetery, where my great-grandparents, aunts, and uncles are buried. Toppled graves, defaced photos on headstones. Defaced sounds clinical, but here it is an exact word—care was taken to destroy only the faces on the mounted photos. There is no chance that such damage occurred from weather or settling earth. view at huffingtonpost
#Huffpost #HateCrimes #Jewish
What If We Treated Marriage More Like the Contract It Is? Wed Nov 27 2013
Is marriage essentially flawed, or am I? view at huffingtonpost
#Huffpost #Divorce
One Way Divorce Reinforced Feminism in My Family Tue Nov 14 2017
As a divorced parent I often wonder how my decision to leave our marriage will affect my children’s future views on marriage and relationship stability. But maybe it’s not all bad news view at huffingtonpost
#Huffpost #Divorce #Feminism
Tiny, Perfect, Beautiful Princesses or Hummingbirds are Assholes Wed Dec 06 2017
If a hummingbird was the size of a sea gull, we would recognize their sinister nature and consider them a threat against all humanity. view at huffingtonpost
#Huffpost #Hummingbirds #pretty #attractiveBias
Book Review: The Daily Hazards of a Middle Eastern Wife by Soad Nasr Sun Nov 15 2015
Beyond being courageous, Soad Nasr’s voice is fresh and crisp. This results in a friendly tone that is easy to access for people of all backgrounds. view at huffingtonpost
#BookReview #HuffPost
Divorce Is A Car Crash And You’re Both At Fault Tue May 23 2017
No matter what the insurance company says, both parties are always at fault in every car accident, and if you can’t see your part in causing the accident, you are doomed to repeat it. The same can be said for divorce. view at huffingtonpost
#Divorce #HuffPost #CarCrash
Sorry, Comet, Adults and Children Can’t be Friends Tue Dec 12 2017
My kids think this whole “not just a teacher but also your friend” thing sounds like a warm and fuzzy idea. I have a differing opinion. view at huffingtonpost
#Parenting #HuffPost #Comet #Rudolph
Helping Kids Resist Peer Pressure Thu Jan 04 2018
f I want to trust him to navigate this world which is filled with both good and sinister people, I better reinforce his standing up for himself on the little things. view at huffingtonpost
#Parenting #HuffPost #PeerPressure
Life At The Fringe Tue May 09 2017
I know all about living at the fringes of society. First, I was one of only two kids in first grade who had divorced parents, plus my mom was gay. But there was more to it than that. view at huffingtonpost
#Parenting #conforming #HuffPost
A Divorced Mom Talks to Her Children About Marriage Tue Dec 27 2016
I don’t want my kids to grow up thinking they are failures if they get divorced. I don’t want them to think that they even have to get married. And I also don’t want them to think happily ever after is just a pipe dream they can never achieve. view at huffingtonpost
#Parenting #Divorce #HuffPost
I Hope You Never Know Mon Jan 23 2017
The truth is, I hope all my friends never have to experience the oppression that made that beautiful international march necessary. This is my letter to those who can’t fathom why the march resonated with so many of us. view at huffingtonpost
#WomensMarch #politics #HuffPost
Growing Up Straight in the Gay World Tue May 13 2014
I grew up a straight girl in a gay world, the opposite of what most gay people experience, but with the same problems of lack of place. view at huffingtonpost
#LGBTQA #GayParenting #HuffPost
Sometimes You Are Not a Victim - You Are an Asshole Wed Dec 31 2014
I have, for a lot of my life, suffered from a victim complex — you know the one, where everything in your life is someone else’s fault. It is only now, a good six years after my second divorce that I am starting to see how I was no treat to live with. view at huffingtonpost
#victim #divorce #HuffPost
Straightland, a Family Emigration Story Tue Dec 20 2016
Leaving Straightland was easy, we just had to walk through the closet door. view at huffingtonpost
#queerParenting #LesbianMothers #GayMarriage #HuffPost
Mama, Look at Me Mon Jan 16 2017
My body is there with my children, but my mind is full of my own things: who needs to be where, when, and what needs to happen in order for that to occur, what I can cook for dinner that everyone will eat without complaining, a half-thought I want to remember to write down and expand into an essay. I look at him but don’t watch him closely. read this article
#parenting #mothers #LookAtMe #HuffPost
They Tell Me I’m a Queerspawn Thu May 18 2017
Queerspawn are children of GLBTQ parents, and the word has been around for a least a decade. Apparently I have a tribe. view at huffingtonpost
#QueerParenting #QueerSpawn #Yabbit #HuffPost
Are We Too Stable? Conflict Role Modeling After Divorce Thu Jun 01 2017
The nature of shared parenting allows us to do all our fighting when the kids aren’t home.  The boys have never seen us fight. This feels unnatural. read this article
#Divorce #relationshipRoleModelling #conflictAvoidance #HuffPost
Saying Farewell to the Tooth Fairy Thu Jun 15 2017
The Tooth Fairy was the latest casualty in our household. view at huffingtonpost
#Parenting #Tweens #Toothfairy #HuffPost
The Tooth Fairy Fell Asleep Sat Jan 19 2013
Yesterday Big Pants lost his 3rd tooth. I didn't see it happen (I was in the bathroom) but it involved couch wrestling and a blanket and his brother and then the tooth was out. read this article
#Parenting #Tweens #Toothfairy #HuffPost #OnlyMama
Other People’s Questions About My Son’s Grade-Skipping, and What I Wish They Would Ask Instead Sun Aug 27 2017
To some people my son is a novelty, a social experiment, or the result of pushy over-parenting. All he is really is a kid who doesn’t want to be bored. view at huffingtonpost
#Gifted #Asynchronous #Parenting #HuffPost
A Love Letter to Key West From a Fresh Water Conch After Irma Wed Sep 13 2017
The conchs that taught me about resilience and the impermanent island life remain unbroken, the island rock strong beneath their feet, the palm trees bending back up towards the light. view at huffingtonpost
#KeyWest #Irma #Essay #HuffPost #ConchStrong