Search: "#Goodmenproject"

The Helping Hand of a Manly Man Fri Nov 15 2013
Messages in bottles don’t always wash up on the proper shore, even on the expansive beach of the Internet. Sometimes people see them and step over them, not knowing how important they are. Sometimes people only see how pretty the glass bottle is. Every now and then, though, someone pulls the cork, removes your message, and reads it. view at goodmenproject
How Fighting Well Makes us Stronger as a Couple Mon Sep 12 2016
First off, I’ve been divorced twice and my non-married life partner (can we please find a better word for that?) has been divorced once. My most recent divorce and his single divorce had one thing in common—we never fought with our spouses. view at goodmenproject
#relationships #Goodmenproject
What a Boy’s Love of Baseball Taught His Sports-Averse Mother Mon Sep 30 2013
I’m glad he has passion about something, but baseball? Of all the interesting things in the world, must he pick the one thing I don’t like? As I inundated both boys with art and music and science, I believed that I could shape my kids to be more like me than their sports-enthusiast father. Apparently, I was wrong about that. view at goodmenproject
#essay #sports #Goodmenproject
How My Father's Serial Divorce Affected Me Mon Oct 28 2013
I never expected how my father’s serial divorce would affect me over time. view at goodmenproject
#Divorce #Fathers #GoodMenProject