TBR Tuesday: Feminine Rising: Voices of Power and Invisibility

Has it really been five years since Andrea Fekete dreamed up this anthology and invited me along for the ride? 

Apparently, it has. 

Today our anthology hits the shelves. Our little love child.



Yesterday I took our contributor copies to the post office and mailed books to Ireland, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia as well as to nearly every state in the lower 48. It took over an hour for each envelope to be stamped and scanned, and the final cash register tape was over 6 feet long. 


I’m proud of my little piece in bringing this book into the world. I love each essay and poem, and how they complement and build on each other. I can’t wait for readers to hold it in their hands.  I am actually at a loss for words, and if you know me in real life, you know this doesn’t happen very often. 


Our heartfelt thanks to all our contributors: 

Ellen Bass, Michele Tracy Berger, Rachel Squires Bloom, Lauren Brimmer, Ellen Cantarow, Jane Chance, Martha Clarkson, Betsy Cornwell, Cheryl Denise, Gail C. Dimaggio, Liz Dolan, Jacqueline Doyle, Marged Dudek, Michelle Elvy, Beatriz F. Fernandez, Jennifer L. Freed, Carol Gloor, Estela González, Wendy Besel Hahn, Linda Flaherty Haltmaier, Pauletta Hansel, Mary Hutchins Harris, Siobhan Harvey,Melissa Helton, Rachel A. Hicks, Nicole Hospital-Medina, Amy Hudock,Mary Imo-Stike, M. J. Iuppa, Marianne S. Johnson, Meridian Johnson,Michele K. Johnson Huffman, Elizabeth Johnston, Shobhana Kumar, Boutheina Laarif, Jessica Lawrence, Cade Leebron, Cathy Cultice Lentes, Lynda Levy, Kali Lightfoot, Katharyn Howd, Eileen Mcdermott, Llewellyn Mckernan, Lisa Minney, Bonnie J. Morris, Maggie Thach Morshed, Rashida Murphy, Frances Nicholson, Mary Heather Noble, Renée Olander, Lucy Palmer, Ann Pancake, Penny Perkins, Dreama Pritt, Susan Richardson, Lois Roma-Deeley, Ruth Sabath Rosenthal, Sarah Sadie, Shloka Shankar, Annette Snyckers, Jessica Spruill, Tuesday Taylor, Terry Ann Thaxton, Barbara Ungar, Gina Valdés, Jamie Wendt, Anne Harding Woodworth,  Marianne Worthington, Müesser Yeniay, and Andrena Zawinski. 

And our thanks as well to Cynren Press, who believed in us and our anthology, and to Dr. Amy Hudock, who wrote our foreword. 


You can read my introduction here, Andrea Fekete’s here, and listen to contributor Rashida Murphyread her poem from the anthology here

Get your copy at Cynren PressAmazon,Barnes & Noble, or wherever books are sold. 


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Public domain imagery courtesy of Snappygoat.com